Reform Freemasonry! paper published
I spent over two years working on this paper, which explains the two-year gap between this posting and my last blog entry.
Comments are welcome here or via the Yahoo! discussion forum link.
Some excuse our system by saying that we choose our “dictator” annually in “free” elections. For example, in
In the end, we are left with the window dressing of a free and democratic process and the reality of a hand-picked self-perpetuating line of men who are uninspiring leaders, inept managers and all too often autocratic dictators. It should be of little surprise to anyone that such a system does not produce bold and forward thinking leaders who feel compelled to communicate with “outsiders” to the ruling elite in any meaningful way. One cannot blame a membership that eventually grows cynical and ultimately uninterested in the welfare of the grand lodge. Such a system is sure to result in a destructive “us” against “them” mentality aligned along parochial interests rather than for the greater good of the whole.
At the end of the day, it all comes back to leadership. Our fraternity is dying because our leaders have failed us, and they continue to fail us utterly!
Grand Lodges mandate this and that and send out minions of deputies to inspect and punish any nonconformity with official dictates. Woe to any lodge that dares to try something new!
Grand Officers are appointed behind closed doors and affirmed in sham elections. They are more concerned with their fancy titles, aprons, and jewels then with solving the problems facing our fraternity. They lead through fear and intimidation, stifling any member who should dare to question their authority.
What we need to turn the tide is a new democratic organizational structure, one built on openness and inclusiveness. Young men today will not tolerate autocratic leaders, nor should they. Young men today will not tolerate stale anachronistic practices, nor should they. Young men today will not tolerate an organization that cannot figure out how to use the Internet, nor should they. Young men today will simply not join lodges where the average member is 30 to 40 years older then they are, nor should they.
There are hundreds of alternative organizations in the market place today competing for the attention of young men. We must either awaken to the need to reinvent ourselves to attract today's young men or continue to suffer catastrophic losses in membership. We have been losing members for 50 years. It is time to recognize the cause for this trend. Our leaders would have us believe that these membership losses are not their fault, that societal changes are to blame. They are wrong. It is their fault. The world has changed and they have done nothing other than perpetuate their own selfish interests.
An ancient Chinese proverb states that a fish rots from the head down. The lesson is clear. If an organization fails, one need only look to those at the top to find the root cause for that failure.
Tradition is that which is handed down, especially orally, from generation to generation. It is an immemorial custom, having almost the force of a law, encompassing the body of the experiences and usages of an organization as handed down by its predecessors.
In contrast, an anachronism is anything done or existing out of date; hence, anything which was proper to a former age, but is out of harmony with the present.
Historically, Freemasons abhor innovation - or the introduction of novelties - to their traditions. Sadly, the Grand Lodge of Ohio, along with too many other American grand lodges, has trashed our traditions with innovations like the one-day class, while at the same time resisting much needed modernization in the practice of our traditions. By clinging to irrelevant protocols and practices (like lengthy introductions and recitation of minutes) while at the same time abandoning our most basic traditions, our leaders have single-handedly rendered our Craft an anachronism to today's young man.
Freemasonry is as relevant today as it was at its emergence nearly 300 years ago. But American Freemasonry is very different from the Freemasonry of England in 1717. American Grand Lodges suffocate local lodges with reams of stifling rules and swarms of inspecting deputies to such an extent that Freemasonry's original hallmark - the convivial joy of fellowship - is now lacking in most American lodges. We must cast off the anachronisms of today's grand lodge rules and their self-perpetuating failed leaders and get back to the basic tradition of Freemasonry.
Membership in Freemasonry has been in a steep decline for decades.
In 1959, the Grand Lodge of Ohio had 282,793 members. At the close of 2004, membership stood at 124,364. In 45 years, the leadership of the Grand Lodge of Ohio presided over a loss of more than half of its membership! Each year the Grand Lodge of Ohio typically suffers the additional net loss of 5,000 members. As the membership ages, this alarming trend will only accelerate. In less than a generation, the Grand Lodge of Ohio will be a mere shadow of its former greatness.
What is the cause for this decline?
Fact: the average age of a Freemason in
At one time, the fraternity's great strength was the breadth in the age and experience of its members. Men from all stages and walks of life met together in harmony. But for the last several decades, the fraternity has failed to attract the next generation of young men, leaving many, if not most lodges with a membership disproportionately skewed toward retired old men. Given this fact, is it really so hard to understand why young men in their 20s and 30s do not see the value in joining the typical Ohio lodge full of old men in their 70s and 80s? The bridge generation of men in their 40s and 50s has collapsed, leaving an ever widening chasm between our existing members and the young men that the fraternity must attract in order to grow and prosper.